Black Light: Entranced
Excerpt By Rose C Carole
Available at: Amazon (and on Kindle Unlimited!)
“Are you okay with me hypnotizing you?”
He stroked her arms softly. “We are going to do a scene to help you orgasm, all right?”
Even though it was obvious, it was reassuring to her that he was confirming their purpose. “Yes.”
He instructed her to close her eyes. “I want you to concentrate on your breathing. Take a deep breath in...and out. In... and out.”
Despite his calm, soothing voice, Teigen had difficulty listening. All she could hear was “You’re not good enough.” She struggled, her breath jagged.
“Listen to my voice, Teigen. It’s the only one that matters right now.”
Her exasperation with herself exploded. “I’m trying!”
“Teigen, look at me!”
She obeyed his command and looked into eyes filled with compassion.
“It’s just us two here. Only you and me. No one else has any place here, not your parents, your ex, or anyone else. You are in a safe place. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I guess so.”
“So my voice is the one you will listen to, no matter what.”
She nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. He was being so patient, she didn’t want to screw it up.
“Okay, so let’s start again. Concentrate on what I’m telling you. Listen to my words and try to follow them.”
“Close your eyes, Teigen. Keep your breathing slow—that’s right—and relax your shoulders...your arms...your chest...your hips...your legs.”
His voice came through loud and clear, blocking out all others. “Your arms are starting to feel heavy. You can’t lift them, can you?”
She could curl her fingers inward, but her arms were like dead weights. She didn’t want to even try to lift them. “No, I can’t.”
“That’s good, Teigen. Now your body is sinking into the bed, your legs heavy as well.”
The bed enveloped her, surrounding her in softness, compelling her to yield to its hold.
“I want you to listen to me carefully, Teigen. If you feel like it’s too much, you are to say ‘Red.’ You can do that even when you are in trance. Do you understand me?”
He stroked her lightly, making every cell on her skin feel alive. “You are mine now, Teigen. You are safe here. I will take care of you. Do you understand?”
Safe. Yes, she wanted to feel safe. Safe from her parents. Safe from Bobby. Safe from her bad dreams.
“Do you know you are a good girl, that you deserve to be happy?”
That familiar feeling of dread sent tentacles of doubt through her. “I’m not sure,” she whimpered.
“Do you trust me, Teigen?”
Did she? Everything about Ellison reassured her. His intelligence, his dominance, his caring for her when they played. If she let him, he could help her. And she so wanted him to help her. “Yes. I trust you.”
“Well, I’m telling you the truth. You deserve to be happy, to feel good about yourself, to experience pleasure.”
He sounded so convincing, she almost believed him. Could it be true? Could she finally find peace within herself?
A filmy soft fabric blanketed her torso. “I want you to take this silk scarf and smooth it over your skin.”
The soft fabric tickled her as she skimmed it over her body, causing her to squirm. She wanted to wrap herself in its smoothness.
“How does that feel, Teigen?”
“It’s so soft.” She rubbed it over her face, breathing in the scent he had sprayed over it. “It smells lovely too. Like lilacs. I love lilacs.”
“You’re doing so well, Teigen. The scarf is your pathway to pleasure. Everywhere you touch yourself with it, you will feel pleasure. As you move it over your body, your arousal will increase. Brush it down your chest, see how it feels."
Holding it on one end, she allowed it to drape over her skin. Swish. Swish. She became lost in an ethereal daze of bliss. Compelled to keep the feeling going, she wadded up one end so it would be firmer to the touch.
Her nipple pebbled as the scarf grazed over it, her arousal heightening as she moved from one breast to the other. Shivers went down her spine, and a tingly feeling settled in her pussy.
“That feels wonderful, doesn’t it?”
“Oooh, yes.” She didn’t stop as he spoke, overcome with the strangeness of being so in tune with her body, nothing else mattered.
“You can make yourself feel good any time you want.”
Her senses were on high alert, her muscles tensing under the barrage of stimulation.
“Your body reacts to touch when you relax and let it happen.”
A thought penetrated her haze: Was pleasure really in her power?
“Where else can you use the scarf to make yourself feel good?”
“I-I...don’t know.” She knew exactly where else; she was just afraid to do it. If she pushed herself too far, it could all go away like it always did. She couldn’t bear that. It felt sooo good.
“Teigen, I know you do.” That voice of authority again, compelling her to obey. “I want you to trail the scarf down your body, then open your legs and rub the scarf over your pussy.”
Her mouth was so dry she could barely swallow.
Fighting against the resurgent voices telling her no, she brushed the silken fabric down her torso. If her body weren’t so heavy and sunk into the bed, she would have tried to rise up to alleviate the adrenaline ricocheting through her. Reluctantly she forced her legs open, then reached down between them, rumpling the scarf into a ball. She didn’t want it to tickle. If she were going to do this, she wanted to obey Ellison, to feel it fully. Another shiver coursed through her as she fondled herself with the delicate silk.
“Don’t stop. Rub it back and forth, back and forth. Revel in the sensation as your pussy swells, your clit hardens.”
The pressure in her clit intensified the longer she stroked it, Ellison’s strong voice egging her on. Her core coiled so tight she thought she’d burst. She was on a roller coaster, whizzing along, every nerve in her body alive. The exhilaration was almost too much until all of a sudden, the car veered, about to go off the rails, plunging her into nothingness.
You must not! Panic enveloped her.
“Stop!” The command crashed through her consciousness, abruptly saving her from disaster. The precipice of catastrophe disappeared. Everything calmed down and her breathing slowed. The silk scarf evaporated into thin air.
“You’re safe, Teigen. You are under my protection. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Ellison was still here, watching out for her. She sank back into the mattress, his calm voice comforting her, his gentle stroking soothing her.
“I’m going to wake you up now, Teigen. You’re going to wake in three, two—open your eyes— one.”
She stared over at him next to her on the bed. Despite the imminent danger he’d rescued her from, she still felt more rested than she had in a long time.
He stroked her arms softly. “We are going to do a scene to help you orgasm, all right?”
Even though it was obvious, it was reassuring to her that he was confirming their purpose. “Yes.”
He instructed her to close her eyes. “I want you to concentrate on your breathing. Take a deep breath in...and out. In... and out.”
Despite his calm, soothing voice, Teigen had difficulty listening. All she could hear was “You’re not good enough.” She struggled, her breath jagged.
“Listen to my voice, Teigen. It’s the only one that matters right now.”
Her exasperation with herself exploded. “I’m trying!”
“Teigen, look at me!”
She obeyed his command and looked into eyes filled with compassion.
“It’s just us two here. Only you and me. No one else has any place here, not your parents, your ex, or anyone else. You are in a safe place. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I guess so.”
“So my voice is the one you will listen to, no matter what.”
She nodded, unable to speak past the lump in her throat. He was being so patient, she didn’t want to screw it up.
“Okay, so let’s start again. Concentrate on what I’m telling you. Listen to my words and try to follow them.”
“Close your eyes, Teigen. Keep your breathing slow—that’s right—and relax your shoulders...your arms...your chest...your hips...your legs.”
His voice came through loud and clear, blocking out all others. “Your arms are starting to feel heavy. You can’t lift them, can you?”
She could curl her fingers inward, but her arms were like dead weights. She didn’t want to even try to lift them. “No, I can’t.”
“That’s good, Teigen. Now your body is sinking into the bed, your legs heavy as well.”
The bed enveloped her, surrounding her in softness, compelling her to yield to its hold.
“I want you to listen to me carefully, Teigen. If you feel like it’s too much, you are to say ‘Red.’ You can do that even when you are in trance. Do you understand me?”
He stroked her lightly, making every cell on her skin feel alive. “You are mine now, Teigen. You are safe here. I will take care of you. Do you understand?”
Safe. Yes, she wanted to feel safe. Safe from her parents. Safe from Bobby. Safe from her bad dreams.
“Do you know you are a good girl, that you deserve to be happy?”
That familiar feeling of dread sent tentacles of doubt through her. “I’m not sure,” she whimpered.
“Do you trust me, Teigen?”
Did she? Everything about Ellison reassured her. His intelligence, his dominance, his caring for her when they played. If she let him, he could help her. And she so wanted him to help her. “Yes. I trust you.”
“Well, I’m telling you the truth. You deserve to be happy, to feel good about yourself, to experience pleasure.”
He sounded so convincing, she almost believed him. Could it be true? Could she finally find peace within herself?
A filmy soft fabric blanketed her torso. “I want you to take this silk scarf and smooth it over your skin.”
The soft fabric tickled her as she skimmed it over her body, causing her to squirm. She wanted to wrap herself in its smoothness.
“How does that feel, Teigen?”
“It’s so soft.” She rubbed it over her face, breathing in the scent he had sprayed over it. “It smells lovely too. Like lilacs. I love lilacs.”
“You’re doing so well, Teigen. The scarf is your pathway to pleasure. Everywhere you touch yourself with it, you will feel pleasure. As you move it over your body, your arousal will increase. Brush it down your chest, see how it feels."
Holding it on one end, she allowed it to drape over her skin. Swish. Swish. She became lost in an ethereal daze of bliss. Compelled to keep the feeling going, she wadded up one end so it would be firmer to the touch.
Her nipple pebbled as the scarf grazed over it, her arousal heightening as she moved from one breast to the other. Shivers went down her spine, and a tingly feeling settled in her pussy.
“That feels wonderful, doesn’t it?”
“Oooh, yes.” She didn’t stop as he spoke, overcome with the strangeness of being so in tune with her body, nothing else mattered.
“You can make yourself feel good any time you want.”
Her senses were on high alert, her muscles tensing under the barrage of stimulation.
“Your body reacts to touch when you relax and let it happen.”
A thought penetrated her haze: Was pleasure really in her power?
“Where else can you use the scarf to make yourself feel good?”
“I-I...don’t know.” She knew exactly where else; she was just afraid to do it. If she pushed herself too far, it could all go away like it always did. She couldn’t bear that. It felt sooo good.
“Teigen, I know you do.” That voice of authority again, compelling her to obey. “I want you to trail the scarf down your body, then open your legs and rub the scarf over your pussy.”
Her mouth was so dry she could barely swallow.
Fighting against the resurgent voices telling her no, she brushed the silken fabric down her torso. If her body weren’t so heavy and sunk into the bed, she would have tried to rise up to alleviate the adrenaline ricocheting through her. Reluctantly she forced her legs open, then reached down between them, rumpling the scarf into a ball. She didn’t want it to tickle. If she were going to do this, she wanted to obey Ellison, to feel it fully. Another shiver coursed through her as she fondled herself with the delicate silk.
“Don’t stop. Rub it back and forth, back and forth. Revel in the sensation as your pussy swells, your clit hardens.”
The pressure in her clit intensified the longer she stroked it, Ellison’s strong voice egging her on. Her core coiled so tight she thought she’d burst. She was on a roller coaster, whizzing along, every nerve in her body alive. The exhilaration was almost too much until all of a sudden, the car veered, about to go off the rails, plunging her into nothingness.
You must not! Panic enveloped her.
“Stop!” The command crashed through her consciousness, abruptly saving her from disaster. The precipice of catastrophe disappeared. Everything calmed down and her breathing slowed. The silk scarf evaporated into thin air.
“You’re safe, Teigen. You are under my protection. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Ellison was still here, watching out for her. She sank back into the mattress, his calm voice comforting her, his gentle stroking soothing her.
“I’m going to wake you up now, Teigen. You’re going to wake in three, two—open your eyes— one.”
She stared over at him next to her on the bed. Despite the imminent danger he’d rescued her from, she still felt more rested than she had in a long time.